waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .

Posts Tagged ‘android’


November 21st, 2009

Forgive me, Internet, I have sinned.

It has been six months since my [last post](http://dsandler.org/wp/archives/2009/05/05/twitter-reply-spam). So much has happened since then that I have wanted to tell you about.

And I tried!

![Drafts piling up.](http://dsandler.org/entries/images/2009/wpdrafts.png)

Oh, I tried, several times—I have the WordPress drafts to prove it. But somehow anything too large for a [tweet](http://twitter.com/dsandler) ended up a five-page essay with footnotes.[^foot] (I would have written less, but you know [how it goes](http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Blaise_Pascal).)

[^foot]: No, seriously.

So. Let me be very brief:


* I finished my doctoral studies and got my degree. You can read my [thesis](/pub/thesis) if such things interest you.


* My son turned [one year old](http://www.flickr.com/photos/dsandler/sets/72157621420922432/). He is awesome.

Ducks by the river - 30 Boston, from the harbor

* My [wife](http://dsandler.org/erinmak/), The Boy, and I now live in the Boston area. We love it here.

Bugdroid and the Cupcake

* I now work at Google (with some [dear old friends](http://dsandler.org/gruntle/been)) on the [Android](http://www.android.com/) operating system. It’s pretty [exciting](http://droiddoes.com). There is a lot of very hard work yet to do.

* I am still interested in [research](/research) topics, including distributed systems, security, and social networks. I also continue to maintain my [Mac software](http://toastycode.com) on the side. These pursuits have taken something of a back seat to the above bullets, however.


Now I can start making notes (of the longer-than-140-character variety) again. Thanks, Internet, for your kind indulgence.

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