Summary Self-organizing secure distributed systems; electronic voting; Web applications security.
current FETHR (open, distributed micropublishing); VoteBox (a verifiable and auditable electronic voting system); Auditorium (a timeline-entangling p2p network for high auditability and survivability); Web password security.
past FeedTree (cooperative RSS distribution); eliminating TrackBack spam.
refereed publications
D. R. Sandler and D. S. Wallach.
Birds of a FETHR: Open, decentralized
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on
Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS
’09), 2009.
[PDF/HTML | Show BibTeX | slides] @inproceedings{sandler09fethr, Title = {Birds of a FETHR: Open, decentralized micropublishing}, Author = {Daniel R.~Sandler and Dan S.~Wallach}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS '09)}, Address = {Boston, MA}, Keywords = {fethr;entanglement;timeline;twitter;}, Month = apr, Year = 2009} Url = {/brdfdr/doc/iptps-fethr.pdf},
D. R. Sandler, K. Derr, and D. S. Wallach.
VoteBox: a tamper-evident, verifiable electronic voting
In Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security ’08), 2008.
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@inproceedings{sandler08votebox, Author = {Daniel R.~Sandler and Kyle Derr and Dan S.~Wallach}, Title = {{VoteBox:} a tamper-evident, verifiable electronic voting system}, Keywords = {votebox;voting;auditorium;hash-chains;logging;audit;challenge;network;homomorphic;nizk} Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '08)}, Address = {San Jose, CA}, Month = aug, Year = 2008}
D. R. Sandler and D. S. Wallach.
The case for networked remote voting precincts.
In Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop (EVT ’08), 2008.
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@inproceedings{sandler08remote-voting, Author = {Daniel R.~Sandler and Dan S.~Wallach}, Title = {The case for networked remote voting precincts}, Keywords = {votebox;voting;auditorium;network;remote-voting;anonymity;absentee-voting;provisional-voting} Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop (EVT '08)}, Address = {San Jose, CA}, Month = aug, Year = 2008}
D. R. Sandler and D. S. Wallach.
<input type="password"> must die!
In W2SP 2008: Web 2.0
Security & Privacy, 2008.
[PDF |
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@inproceedings{sandler08password-must-die, Author = {Daniel R.~Sandler and Dan S.~Wallach}, Title = {<input type="password"> must die!}, Keywords = {html;passwords;javascript;keylogging}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of W2SP 2008: Web 2.0 Security & Privacy 2008}, Address = {Oakland, CA}, Month = may, Year = 2008}
D. Sandler, K. Derr, S. Crosby, and D. S. Wallach. Finding the evidence in tamper-evident logs.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering (SADFE’08), 2008.
[PDF |
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@inproceedings{sandler08evidence, Author = {Daniel Sandler and Kyle Derr and Scott Crosby and Dan S.~Wallach}, Title = {Finding the evidence in tamper-evident logs}, Keywords = {querifier;hash-chains;tamper-evidence;logging;logic}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering (SADFE'08)}, Address = {Oakland, CA}, Month = may, Year = 2008}
S. P. Everett, K. K. Greene, M. D. Byrne, D. S. Wallach, K.
Derr, D. R. Sandler, and T. Torous.
Electronic voting machines versus
traditional methods: Improved preference, similar performance.
In Human Factors in Computing Systems: Proceedings of CHI 2008.
[PDF |
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@inproceedings{everett08chi, Author = {Sarah P.~Everett and Kristen K.~Greene and Michael D.~Byrne and Dan S.~Wallach and Kyle Derr and Daniel R.~Sandler and and Ted Torous}, Title = {Electronic voting machines versus traditional methods: Improved preference, similar performance.}, Keywords = {voting;dre;satisfaction;sus;hci;humanfactors;ballots;paper;punch;lever}, Booktitle = {Human Factors in Computing Systems: Proceedings of CHI 2008}, Address = {Florence, Italy}, Month = apr, Year = 2008}
D. Sandler and D. S. Wallach. Casting
Votes in the Auditorium. In Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX/ACCURATE
Electronic Voting Technology Workshop (EVT’07), 2007.
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@inproceedings{sandler07auditorium, Author = {Daniel Sandler and Dan S.~Wallach}, Title = {Casting Votes in the {Auditorium}}, Keywords = {auditorium;timeline;entanglement;voting;votebox}, Url = {}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop (EVT'07)}, Address = {Boston, MA}, Month = aug, Year = {2007}}
- D. Sandler, A. Mislove, A. Post, and P. Druschel.
FeedTree: Sharing micronews with peer-to-peer event notification. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS'05), Ithaca, NY, Feburary 2005. [PDF | Show BibTeX]
@inproceedings{sandler05feedtree, Author = {Daniel Sandler and Alan Mislove and Ansley Post and Peter Druschel}, Title = {FeedTree: Sharing Web micronews with peer-to-peer event notification}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS'05)}, Url = {}, Year = 2005, Address = {Ithaca, NY}, Month = feb }
other publications
- D. R. Sandler. VoteBox: a tamper-evident, verifiable voting system. Ph.D. thesis, Rice University, April 2009. [PDF] (Thesis adviser: Dan S. Wallach.)
- D. Sandler, K. Derr, S. Crosby, and D. S. Wallach. Finding the evidence in tamper-evident logs. Technical
Report TR08-01, Department of Computer Science, Rice University,
Jan. 2008.
[Show BibTeX]
@techreport{sandler08querifier, Address = {Houston, TX}, Author = {Daniel Sandler and Kyle Derr and Scott Crosby and Dan S.~Wallach}, Institution = {Department of Computer Science, Rice University}, Month = jan, Number = {TR08-01}, Title = {Finding the evidence in tamper-evident logs}, Year = 2008, Url = {}}
- D. Sandler.
FeedTree: Scalable and prompt delivery for Web feeds. Master’s thesis, Rice University, April 2007. [PDF] (Thesis adviser: Peter Druschel.)
- P. Gerecht, R. McDonald, D. Sandler, A. Thomas-Stivalet, D. Wallach. Taking TrackBack Back (from Spam). Technical report TR06-876, Department of Computer Science, Rice University, May 2006. [PDF].
talks & presentations
- 21-Apr-09: Presented Birds of a
[slides & audio]
- 16-Dec-08: Presented VoteBox at the 2008 ACCURATE NSF site review. [slides]
- 28-Oct-08: Delivered a lecture on e-voting security for COMP 301, “Identity Theft to the iPod.” [slides]
- 16-Oct 08: Demonstrated VoteBox at the 2008 CS Corporate Affiliates Meeting. (In this photo, I’m explaining the system while George helps show off the voting terminal.)
- 8-Sep-08: I reprised <input type="password"> must die! for the departmental seminar. You can watch it (apologies for poor audio) on Google Video.
- 26 & 27-Aug-08: I adapted my Python talk for COMP 140, Rice’s new introductory CS course (itself taught for the first time in Python).
- 1-Aug-08: I presented our VoteBox paper at USENIX Security. [slides, audio from USENIX]
- 28-Jul-08: My presentation of our remote voting paper was delivered at EVT ’08 by my adviser.
- 22-May-08: Two workshop talks (co-located with Oakland ’08) in one day: (Slides and audio forthcoming.)
- 06-Aug-07: I presented Auditorium (see above) at EVT'07, and VoteBox at the ACCURATE PIs meeting (07-Aug) [slides].
- 30-Nov-06: I delivered a short introduction to Python at a meeting of the Rice CS Club; you can find the slides on my python resources page.
- 20-Oct-06: I presented the results of my FeedTree work to the comp600 seminar [slides]. This talk was a condensed (~45 min.) version of my MS thesis defense.
- 24-Feb-05: I presented FeedTree at IPTPS ‘05 [slides].
- 07-Nov-04: I spoke at the IRIS project Student Workshop 2004 about A Plan to Save RSS [slides].