waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .

(Overly) great expectations.

March 10th, 2008

I think you all know that when I blog, these days I seem able to do little more than drool incoherent links and silly pictures. When @erinmak hits the “publish??? button, however, you know you’re in for something…tasty.

Tonight’s entry: Supermodels and the mortgage crisis.

These two problems are related in that they both stem from the message being pushed on Americans that anything is possible. That’s the American dream, isn’t it? That anyone can do anything in America. With respect to physical appearance, girls seem to have internalized the message, from shows like America’s Next Top Model and Extreme Makeover, that it’s not only possible but desirable and easy for any woman to be ridiculously gorgeous. Clearly too many Americans literally bought into the idea that they could own homes, without regard to the realistic limits of their income.

Related: Don’t buy stuff you cannot afford.

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