waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .

Gladys, this is Juanita

June 12th, 2006

Bizarre voicemail on our office phone: juanita.mp3. I hope she found her keys!

Transcript: ‘Lo Gladys, this is Juanita. I found a set of—I found a key on the chair you were sitting in. Just Juanita. Thank you.

Aside: Since I couldn’t seem to get any other apps to convert the 3GPP recording (which QuickTime can read) from my Z520a into another format, here’s a little AppleScript I used to coerce QuickTime Player to feel the Pro just long enough to do the job:

tell application “QuickTime Player”
    set outfile to choose file name default name (name of front movie) & “.aif”
    if outfile is not null then
        export front movie to outfile as AIFF
    end if
end tell

Aside 2: Sorry about the chipmunk thing. I had to force CBR to get Flash 7 to eat the audio correctly:

$ lame --cbr -b 40 --resample 22.05 juanita.aiff juanita.mp3

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