Und: Kein Display!
With the MacWorld keynote about to start (15 minutes from now), Boing Boing reports: “apparently there was a separate speech for press or European viewers or something this AM in San Fran.” A German site has a report:
Und plötzlich, praktisch ohne Vorwarnung, hält Steve Jobs neben dem schon bekannten iPod Mini einen zweiten Player empor: der iPod Micro. Flashbasiert soll er sein, 1 GB Speicher, was für 240 Songs genügt und meine Güte, ist das Teilchen winzig. Und: KEIN DISPLAY!
Update: Now that the keynote has come and gone, it’s obvious that this was a clever fake. (The account of a Euro-keynote, not the actual Apple products, which do exist, although the “iPod micro??? is actually the “iPod Shuffle???.) I wonder why people feel compelled to develop ever more clever hoaxes. Is social engineering governed by the same forces that result in computer viruses?