waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .

“… most of you with advanced degrees in English.”

November 27th, 2004

McSweeney’s: The Riddler Makes an Announcement.
“I’ll be dividing my time between the condo here in Gotham and a summer place in Provence that Terrence and I acquired recently. As for your future, it’s a little murky, I’m afraid. I’ve had an offer from a Lex Luthor, guy from out of town, who may be looking to expand. Presumably, he’d need help, but I’m not sure you’d be interested. He’s awfully dour, to be quite honest. I’ve also phoned Joker and Penguin and raved about all of you. Jennifer has a sign-up sheet to meet with recruiters from their organizations.”

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