waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .

Official: Houston Record Stores = Lame

November 22nd, 2004

It’s official. All Houston record stores are lame, lame, lame. I called all over town to see which stores would be selling How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (by U2, perhaps you’ve heard of them?) at midnight.
The answer: zero. Cactus gets an ‘A’ for effort; they would be selling it, but their CD shipment has been delayed by our sudden monsoon. Failing grades go to Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart (look how low I was willing to stoop!), and SoundWaves, which is surprising since I remember distinctly lining up outside the Montrose location to pick up the “Discothèque” single in ’97.

I will have to content myself with mp3s of this weekend’s SNL appearance, helpfully mirrored by the Coral peer-to-peer content distribution network:

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