waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .


November 9th, 2004

So, uh. Wow.

I didn’t even really think about The Incredibles in terms of
being a gorgeous CG film, because I was so busy being blown away with
how it’s the best superhero movie ever made. It’s Batman,
X-Men, and six or seven Bond films all rolled together into one
seamless, gripping, heartfelt film. Also not little kids’ fare: there
was plenty of gunplay, talk about death, and grappling with purpose.
Sorry, Sulley, but you’re so Saturday morning compared to

While watching the credits, I asked Erin, “What was the last
movie I said was the best movie I’d ever seen?” She replied, “Sky

So I said, “There’s a tiny little crater, a scar on the ground, where
Sky Captain used to be.”

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