waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .

When Cobra Met Starscream (And Annihilated)

October 20th, 2004

“The story centers on Cobra’s attempt to use a newly-discovered teleportation technology (left over from the Transformers’ first visit to Earth) to
raid Cybertron and steal a supercomputer called Teletran 3,” Jolley continued. “The Joes try to intervene, but there’s an accident, and Teletran 3 causes the teleportation effect to go completely haywire. What this does is zap a bunch of Joes and Cobras to Cybertron, swapping them with a bunch of Transformers who come to Earth – but there’s also a temporal element, and it turns out that the displaced Cybertronians are sort of lost in Earth’s time-stream. Efforts to recover the Transformers and set things right then drive the rest of the story.”

I can’t tell whether the Transformers / G.I. Joe crossover comic is the stupidest, most nostalgia-grubbing horsecrap idea ever to hit a thin stack of stapled paper … or oh holy awesome.

Update 10/21: Brian sets me
: this particular Joe vs Transformers comic is a

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