waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .

VeriSign Continues To Make Internet Its Bitch As reported on slashdot and elsewhere, VeriSign has followed through on plans to set up a wildcard for…

September 15th, 2003

VeriSign Continues To Make Internet Its Bitch

As reported on slashdot
and elsewhere, VeriSign has followed through on plans to set up a
wildcard for all nonexistent .com and .net addresses. This wildcard
will point back to VeriSign; web browsers pointed at invalid domain names will
presumably see some kind of of self-referential advertising (“Buy This
Domain!”), and e-mail messages sent to invalid domain names will be accepted
by VeriSign (where they may be read or simply deleted. who knows?).

This sucks for all Internet software because essentially, all possible .com
and .net domains now exist
. If they aren’t registered explicitly, they
default to VeriSign. Software which checks to see if a domain exists will now
fail 100% of the time (always answering, “yes it does”, for these two toplevel
domain namespaces).

This is out of joint with the DNS spec, and certainly with the
intent of the domain name system. Thanks, VeriSign!

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