waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .

Subverting old habits

March 10th, 2005

In between errands (isn’t that what spring break is for—to be able to accomplish tasks which require you to be available during business hours?), I’m getting my bit-house in order. That’s right, it’s time to make a long-term commitment to svn.

My software projects were originally stored in a Perforce repository, but I quickly found that the freebie two-client evaluation license wasn’t sufficient for the way I use version control (viz., everywhere). I moved things to CVS, where I struggled mightily with all the usual CVS hangups (corrupt metadata, incredibly tedious file-moving, general care and feeding of an incontinent, spastic pet).

I finally moved over to Subversion for new projects about a year ago, but hadn’t ever gone back to drag my old stuff out of the stone age. (This made it hard to issue bug fixes or add new features, because I’ve moved source servers a couple of times, and my CVSROOT hasn’t been online in a while.)

With the help of cvs2svn, not only is all my old stuff now imported into the svn repository, but all the change history is there as well. I hate to lose data, even if it’s obsolete data.

This was also an opportunity for me to finally get on board with the recommended svn repository layout. It’s unwise to turn up one’s nose at best practices (without a good reason for doing so; laziness is never such a reason).

Glamour shot of my MacOS X screen savers (from a local WebSVN):

Now that’s just pretty!

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