Guided tour = this is gonna be big.
When Apple decides to produce an extensive set of audiovisual introductory teaching materials, you can be sure they think they’re on to something that will:
- change everything, but
- take a little explaining.
To wit:
- 1984:
- Macintosh Guided Tour.
- 2007:
- iPhone Guided Tour.
On a related note: Does the presenter in the iPhone tour remind anyone else of the pixellated dude from the later Mac tour, “Macintosh Basics”?
Fig. 1. The Macintosh Basics guy.
Fig. 1. The iPhone Guided Tour guy.
The later incarnation trades the dorky white polo and rainbow Apple logotype pullover for a plain black T, but keeps the no-nonsense coiffure. Also, um, his framerate is better this time around.