waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

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The RSS Wars

June 23rd, 2005

So, wait. Microsoft’s big RSS announcement tomorrow is that they’re adding ordered lists? I must be missing something.

Microsoft confirmed that it is backing an effort to add support for ordered lists but would not go into detail ahead of Friday’s announcement.

Winer also hinted that RSS may be assuming a more central role at Microsoft, noting that there is a team devoted to the syndication standard.

Oh, now I get it. The announcement is about lists, but the big news is that Microsoft cares at all, and in a big way.

Is RSS the new HTML? Are we about to witness the beginning of the “RSS Wars?” (And not the silly, low-stakes syndication format wars, RDF vs RSS 1.0 vs RSS 2.0 vs Atom. I’m talking about all-the-marbles stuff like we saw in 1999.)

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