waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

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January 4th, 2005

Hunh! Things you find on Wikipedia, specifically the Rice University entry:

So, the Steve Jackson is not only a Rice grad, but he is credited with inventing misclass (viz., the “misclassified ad”—a bit of overheard hilarity, or lewdness, or both—on the back page of the Rice Thresher). Can anyone out there verify this? (The only other occurrences of “steve jackson” and “misclass” on the Internet are ripped copies of the Wikipedia page.) Update 11/6: Indeed, Paul notes that, indeed, he’s verified this bit of trivia with Mr Jackson personally: “I’ve eaten sushi with the man.” Sumimasen.

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