waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .

EA on Salon.

December 2nd, 2004

The uproar at Electronic Arts is a sign of yet another gut check for high-tech workers. We’ve come a long way from the dot-com boom days just a few years ago, when programmers and digital artists were celebrated for their tireless ability to work inhuman hours in pursuit of the start-up dream: creating something so new, so quickly it would make them all zillionaires.

Salon covers the Electronic Arts “sweatshop” story. (Previously on dsandler.org: 11/12/04 “Whelmed”; 11/16/01 “Requiem for having been”).

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