waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

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Retroactive title for this entry: Great Expectations

March 18th, 2002

Linked all over the place already, but the NYT mag has a fabulous
of Moby and his
ideas about the value of music when music is free, &c. He offers a few
tidbits about his own creative process, too:

“You know the song on ‘Play’ ‘Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?’ The song I
took the woman’s vocal from actually goes ‘glad,’ not ‘bad’ — it’s an
upbeat, happy song. But me being me, I guess, I put these minor chords under
it and manipulated the vocal, and it became something else.”

“I’m a megalomaniac, and this setup is perfectly suited for
megalomaniacs. ” He gestured to the wall of synthesizers. “All
these different musicians. They’re always here waiting to play. And they
never complain.”

When it came to sequencing the settled-upon tracks, he loaded them on an Apple
iPod in scores of differing orders and took his late-night walks.

It seems that 18, the new album due in May, borrows heavily from those
musical influences that most impacted a young Moby: the cutting edge of the
early eighties. “The first single from the album, ‘We Are All
Made of Stars,’ might have been called ‘This One Is for the
Cars.’” Oh, and I’ve linked it before, but Moby keeps a weblog.

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