waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .

Anthony Simcoe out of makeup.

August 10th, 2003

Anthony Simcoe
out of makeup.
less imposing
this way.

Jason lent me the entire Farscape
Season 1 DVD set
. There are so many discs that they take up an entire
drawer in our coffee table, and so I have no
idea when I’ll be able to return them to him. But I’m going to watch every
single one, and after listening to the commentary tracks for the first two
episodes, I’m afraid I’m going to have to take in every commentary as
well. (That’ll be four hours per disc, so, 44 hours for Season One.)

The commentaries are just that good. Especially the Aussies, Claudia Black
and Anthony
— they are fascinating (the discussion of the vocal and
accent choices is particularly engrossing) and hilarious. (I think if
you’re born in Godzone, you get a double-helping of sass at birth.) On the
topic of removing the “Sesame Street” from the puppets:
(Black) “What would Kermit never do? Oh, I know, bite someone’s
arm, and then swallow the flesh. Brilliant! Let’s use it.”
Or: (Simcoe) “It was my favorite line in the whole thing. I just
wanted to get out there—‘Pilot, prepare for StarBurst.’
It’s like, YEAHH!”

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