waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .


March 24th, 2004

Angi says that sushi makes
everything better
. I’m inclined to agree. Tomorrow I will try my
hand at ??????を??????る (sushi-wo-nigiru, pron. “sushi oh
nigir’”, lit. “handling sushi”). Last time I made nigiri, and
demonstrated that while I can get the rice pretty darn sticky, my
fish-cutting skills need work—so this time it will be veggies only.

I’ll also time each step of the process, so I can make some sort of
claim about how long it would take me to prepare for Erin and myself
during a work week.

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