waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .


July 16th, 2004

Tab dump: all
about the Color Marketing Association
; Poll: How do
you like your text?
(on the rocks, with a twist); k5 on PHP5
(note: lots of introduction-to-programming stuff to wade through); Software That Lasts
200 Years
; Slackware 10 on
OSNews (Slack was my first distro, as it was for many people); MoinMoin/WysiwygEditor;
IGN interviews
Alan Tudyk
; TIME’s “If
You Read Only 10 Trashy Novels This Summer”
(covering Eightball #23
by Daniel Clowes); 2-CD
(letter-sheet origami).

Also, Outport, for extracting
your precious information from Outlook’s steely grasp.

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