waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

The blog here at is mostly historical; you can find more recent posts on .

Now With More Damacy

October 26th, 2004

[4:15] <darryl> > i must report to you with a sad heart that this halloween, i am dressing up like katamari damacy. this is sad because none of you will
be able to do this without coming off like a copycat. so i called it.

[4:15] <em> damn!

Update 10/28: Darryl sez: “Glady says that you really need
to properly attribute this to Drew
from Toothpaste For Dinner because he’s an Internet celebrity and
people will find your post and think that I’m cribbing his idea
which is why he posted his message in the first place.”

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