waving android

I am currently a software engineer at Google, where as a member of the Android platform team I build frameworks and user interfaces.

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Come on, TiVo

October 27th, 2004

[2:30] <Adam> I’m still annoyed that ABC made Lost 1 minute longer, so it causes season-pass conflicts with West Wing.

[2:31] <dsandler> Adam: I, too, am pissed off about that.

[2:31] <dsandler> TiVo did what they always do: posted a helpful note to subscribers.? But this is like Google putting up a little memo at the top of bad search results, saying “Some web sites seek to optimize their search results, so these results may not be relevant to you.”

[2:32] <Adam> Yeah.

[2:32] <dsandler> There is NO REASON not to implement and roll out (immediately if not sooner, thanks to ABC/NBC stunts like this) a “Record partial episodes in event of overlap” feature.

[2:32] <Adam> Although I would expect that there is a team at Tivo coming up with a “resolve these silly conflicts properly” feature.

[2:32] <dsandler> At LEAST we should have “Start recording N minutes LATE” to match “N minutes early”, but we don’t even get that.

[2:32] <Adam> Yeah!? I noticed that this morning, too.

[2:32] <dsandler> (There is no “properly” if 1 minute of Lost overlaps the first minute of TWW.? You have to pick one or the other if you have a single-tuner-TiVo.)

[2:33] <Adam> I couldn’t easily delay West Wing by a minute, nor could I have Lost stop recording a minute early.

[2:33] <Adam> So I had to create a manual recording of Lost.

[2:33] <Adam> And lose a minute!? Oh no!

[2:35] <dsandler> The last minute is usually important!? We chose to create a manual 0:59 recording of TWW.

[2:35] <dsandler> (Record By Time And Channel)

[2:35] <dsandler> Sucks, totally.

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