guide to the CJ online interface
The following is a quick tour of all the issue
navigation buttons found at the bottom of CJ story pages.
- Download This Page
- This actually makes an HTTP request for the current page's image.
Why would you need this, you say? Well, those of you using lynx
(text-based browser) can't see the inlined image on the page, so you need
to be able to download the image to view it. Those using older Mosaic
browsers cannot view inlined JPEGs, so you see the "S" that means
I-Can't-Load-The-Image-That-Goes-Here. By using the download button, you
can retrieve the JPEG and look at it with a JPEG viewing program.
- Previous Page
- Takes you to the previous page in the current Captain Jim issue, if
- Next Page
- Takes you to the previous page in the current Captain Jim issue, if
- Back To This Issue
- Takes you back to the page for the current issue of Captain Jim,
showing the list of all that issue's pages.
- Back To All CJ Issues
- Takes you back to the directory of all Captain Jim issues.