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captain jim - art verks

movie posters, sketches, fan art, esoterica.
Recent Art
Concept sketches of Torus Operations: ops1 * ops2 * ops3
Some tentative designs for the main control room of the station. I eventually settled on .. none of these, just a dark room with a lot of hexagonal tower-stations and bright overhead (track?) lighting.
rachel, command deck
Rachel leaning on some console, ostensibly on the command deck featured on the cover of chapter 70.
Older Art
study of Jake
This is the page out of my sketchbook where I fleshed out the final appearance of Jake Ashler sometime early in 1994. (OK, so he's changed a little bit since then. But haven't we all?)
Fan Art
By Evan Benoit (about 114k)
Believe it or not, tihs actually looks more like Ev himself than Jim...
(Anyone got any more? uuencode (.uu) it or BinHex (.hqx) it or whatever and send it to me.)