You’re It.
I’ve been using for several months now; in that time, my brain has readily adapted to ad-hoc tag-based classification of objects. I had originally intended for this version of to use only a couple of very broad categories (notebook, sketchbook, and scrapbook), but now that just seems quaint and ineffective.
So, I took action.
Having a tiny bit of free time, I decided to rearrange things a bit. Using R. B. Boyer’s wp-tags plugin for WordPress, I can now add arbitrary tags to posts at will (much more flexible and fluid than traditional categories). The left-hand masthead has been folded in with the rest of the navigation structure; I had originally kept them separate (despite occuring in the same vertical column) so that non-CSS browsers would render the page header first, then the categories, then the page content, then all the highlights and links and whatnot. Unfortunately, now that the categories are tags, they are likely to be many lines long, and it’s difficult to predict where to absolutely position the highlights, so they’re now in the same <div>
so they can flow together.
In the future I’ll be adding a “heatmap” style view, so you can see which tags are most heavily used…and I’ll also begin the arduous task of classifying old entries. I’ll probably take them in chunks, maybe 50 per day. I’ll be done in a couple of months!